ParagonVoIP offer three forms of fax solutions:

ParagonVoIP supports faxing with a SIP ATA on a best efforts basis only!

Because fax machines rely on the analog representation of a digital signal (what you hear as a "fax tone") they are very sensitive to deviations in the fax data transmission. In practice this means that faxes are often interrupted by jitter and latency in the last mile (the portion of the call path between the switch and the end-user's fax machine). This level of unreliability causes most VoIP service providers to avoid deploying faxes using SIP ATAs.

We strongly recommend that Resellers deploy faxing using the ParagonVoIP Instant Fax ATA or Instant Fax Portal services.


Use of the Instant Fax ATA requires you to purchase a proprietary fax ATA from ParagonVoIP. To place an order, please contact your sales representatve or email [email protected].


Comparison of Fax Methods

Instant Fax ATA
Instant Fax Portal
Any SIP Compatible ATA may be used
Proprietary ATA must be purchased from ParagonVoIP
No ATA required
Cost to Customer
  • Requires Standard PBX User Seat
  • Faxes incur standard Telco Usage charges
  • No PBX User Required. 
  • ATA must be purchased, and monthly charge per ATA applies.
  • Per minute Telco Services charge is applied.
  • Fax DID Add-On Charge
  • Per minute Telco Services charge is applied.
Supports Fax-to-Email
Supports Email-to-Fax
Supports Standard Fax Machine
Yes, connected to ATA by RJ11 cable
Yes, connected to ATA by RJ11 cable
  • No, faxes are sent from Fax Inbox page of PBX User portal or via email.
  • Faxes may be received by email or viewed from Fax Inbox of PBX User portal.
Supports Fax Delivery Notifications
Yes, delivery notifications are sent by email
Yes, delivery notifications are sent by email and inserted to PBX Fax Inbox page.
Management UI
Managed from DID portal and separate Fax portal.
Managed from DID Portal. Via ParagonVoIP support.
Managed from DID Portal. Via ParagonVoIP support.
Medium to High
Medium to High